Hospitals Serve Vulnerable Population
It's obvious what hospitals are for. But, it's not just patients that are the vulnerable population inside a hospital facility. Daily visitors worrying about their loved ones and stressed-out healthcare staff are also to be considered, and the last thing on their mind is facility security.
Great visitor management solutions create a safe foundation so that in the case of an emergency, everyone can react promptly and stay safe. Not only does it help security guards be more efficient, but it also reduces the overall chances of unwanted visitors entering the building.

Hospitals are a Vast Complex
Although this isn't necessarily a problem for small hospitals and private clinics, major healthcare centers look more like a college campus than a place filled with patients that require constant care.
There are multiple buildings, countless entry points, and hallways that connect urgent care with laboratories and waiting rooms.
Letting everyone, from the staff to the visitors, run around like ants is a recipe for disaster.
A visitor management system solves the problem by registering everyone who passes through. By installing a self-serve kiosk at each entrance you reduce the costs and effort it would require if you had everything done manually. Additionally, if you enable badge printing, you may limit access to different building parts with scannable QR codes.

Visitors are a Key Hospital Element
Unlike in a business environment, a visitor usually isn't somebody here to talk about work and revenue. But, considering the emotional support patients need, we can say that visitors are more important for hospitals than other facilities.
Hospitals face a vast quantity of visitors daily, making it next to impossible to check in and check out each visitor without a couple of errors each day. Although you don't have to leave it all to the self-serve kiosk, a visitor management solution helps to keep an eye on who's currently inside the building.
Furthermore, by using an expiring visitor badge, you ensure they don't exploit the badge next time they visit.

Safety Policies
Hospitals constantly have to update their health and safety policies. Although it's understandable, it can also be frustrating for visitors. A visitor management system helps you inform visitors of such policies the moment they enter the building.
You can do that by having them read and sign updated terms and conditions. Instead of having a front desk that has to explain over and over again the same policy updates, visitors can do that themselves.
Even better, if your solution supports a visitor management app or the option for visitors to pre-register before they arrive, you can inform them about the latest policy updates beforehand.