Trash that Visitor Log Book
Pen and paper fall way short of fulfilling the requirements of a modern, flexible workplace. For example:
- The sign-in process is painfully slow. You can expect to see queues forming and visitors fuming with frustration.
- You need a human receptionist to handle visitors, call their hosts, and make sure they have filled out the log book.
- You don't know for sure who is or was in the office at any given date and time unless you have the visitor book with you.
- There's no quick or easy way to verify visitor credentials or screen them against watchlists. This raises security and compliance questions.
- Using an old visitor book and a tired receptionist to greet visitors may not be the best way to portray your company.
In a half-hearted attempt at digitization, some offices have replaced pen and paper with Excel worksheets, but Excel doesn't resolve critical visitor management challenges.